I take it that it has been spreading around the world, this me getting married bit. Kinda, sorta started in Canada, a quick question from Ogi, an old, dear friend. Then came another tentative comment from Channie another old, dear friend living in South Africa. Mariliz in New York was a strong third and the circle turned when Emma back home in the islands screamed in wanton abandon.
So, who is really getting married?
I thought I was. Well, at least he wants to and if I said that it was time to drive to the registry and make official our half-cohabitation, he would do so with all engines running and pulling me by my hair harass the judge into submission. But, I have kept quiet really. It’s such a BIG step and my life has not been structured to survive this thing called marriage. Never thought it would be such a question. Never thought I would reach take on this roller coaster ride of indecision.
They say, you just know that he is the one for you. Well, what is that really? At what point in your life did you “just know?” Was it just after high school when the memory of your first kiss lingered in the air redolent with romance? Or, maybe after college when all things in the world seemed rosy and full of promise? Was he the one because he was someone you could bring home to mama? Or was it because he was the embodiment of your pagkabuhayan showcase (lifetime showcase).
It is a tad different now. I had my first kiss and he turned into another kind of frog. College never taught me anything useful except for giving me truly entertaining friends. As for the pangkabuhayan showcase bit, well I have learned to make my life the way I want it to be.
All I know is this. He is so much loved, by me. Fingers crossed, it maybe all that matters.